Saturday, November 24, 2007

blogger block

One thing that has pulled me away from writing much over the last year, is that I like talking to "real" people .... meaning I enjoy a good conversation.
One on one is best.
An art and skill I find extremely lacking out there in blogland comment world.
Strangers are my favorite to speak with,
I could sit and talk for hours to almost any one.
And I try to learn something from everyone of them.
Though my current job may have came about rather randomly, It pays the bill, and I'm happy to be working directly with people again ..... it will do, for now anyway.
Madison Ave is a very busy street, and the museum close by brings a steady flow of unique caricatures through the door through out the day.
millionaires, business men, tourists, school children..... you name it.
Sometime soon I will have to tell a few tales from " adventures in dealing with the rich"...
but for now just one encounter is on my mind.
A young man whom I spoke with briefly..... I can't say how the dialogue went from tea to nationalities .......... he had chosen earl gray and I commented on my preference for Darjeeling.... I don't remember much of what was said in between, but a single statement has made me wonder for days...... he shared the topic recently discussed with a friend, over being Chinese .... born and raised in the united states .... and losing all their Chinese .....
To that I asked..... if you are born and raised American ? aren't you American? .... you are not and never have been Chinese........
He stated only ..... Americans are SO boring, they have no culture or tradition.

Since when and why are Americans boring?
what do you mean we have no tradition?

And I can't think of any place more culturally diverse.... especially while standing in a city like New York.

Since 9/11 , every time I see the statue of liberty, I remember the inscription at her feet ....

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me.
I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

How did such words of hope sent out , bring back over time such resentment and hatred for just the name "American"?
Is the world jealous we took it's garbage and built something great?
Are Ellis Islands long closed doors symbolic of a message meant only for past generations?
and who is responsible for letting the light in that torch go out ........ so even the people living under it can't see?
Being first generation American myself I can relate to a love for ones own personal heritage, but why does that have to exclude any respect, appreciation, or acknowledgment for others and what they have offered to the pot?
I can't understand people and their small thinking ........ why would you want to be just "Chinese" when you can be a citizen of the world?

call me hippie, wouldn't be the first time..... It's not my fault!! Blame Pittsburgh!!
You try growing up in a small corner of the world where everyday is a celebration and see how you turn out......

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